
Anybody home?

I know it's been ages since I stopped by or dropped a post here so let me start by dusting, sweeping, cleaning, mopping and getting rid of the cobwebs before I do any other thing.

Hey Tory Lovers!

I hope this post meets you in good health and sound mind. How has life been for you and yours? It's not news that many of us have been going through a lot and life has been happening to us in ways that we may not have envisaged.

But hey, we're alive and that's what's most important to me. Where there is life, there is hope.

Today, I'm here to make a confession. Yes, I accept that in recent time I haven't been faithful to you all when it comes to creating content but please hear me out.

I remember a few months ago I announced that I published my first book and not long after that, during my 3rd blog anniversary I also launched my YouTube channel. Oh well, all these other expressions have kept your favourite Content Creator as busy as a bee.

Truthfully, I didn't intend to neglect my blog but too many things were happening around me all at the same time. There was demand from family, work and my business. The life of a content creator is not an easy one especially when you are freelancing and having to be a ghostwriter too. 

I confess, it's be quite demanding and draining. I know sometimes I act like I have everything under control but to be honest, I don't always do. Sometimes I'm so overwhelmed that I desperately need a break so I don't break down. Then I think of all those looking for up to me and I try as much as I can to stay strong or at least act strong.

This blog isn't to complain or rant, no, it's just me being vulnerable and owning up to the fact that I sometimes I am not in control.

The year 2022 started on a beautiful note but I had the highest number of NOs and rejections this year. Life recently gave me a blow that threw me off balance and shattered some of my plans.

Will I give up? Never! Not now, not tomorrow, not ever.

I'll keep pressing, pushing and waiting for that big door to open. You know who'll be the first to know when it happens? 

That's how important you are to me!

As we wrap up this reunion blog post, I just wanted you to know that...

Yep! I quit my wonderful writing job. I'm sure you want to know why and trust me to always keep you in the know.

I'll be sharing details of why I quit on my YouTube channel so if you haven't subscribed, what are you waiting for?

Here's the link, 
Follow the link, click the subscribe button and turn on the bell notification so that you'll be the first to get notified when I drop the next video.

Before I wrap up this post, let me announce that the paperback for my book is now available on Amazon. You can get a copy through this link
I'm sure you'll learn something new when you read my book.

So, how did 2022 treat you? Please feel free to share your experience in the comment section. You know how much I love to read from you.

This is me wishing you and yours Compliments of the season and a prosperous New Year ahead!
May the joy and blessings of the season rest and abide with you and yours.

Lastly, I promise to put on my consistency cap once again as we begin the New Year. So expect more posts from your favourite Tory Teller on this space and on my YouTube channel come 2023. Do well to tell me what you plan to do better in the new year.

Don't forget that Tory Teller loves you and is rooting for you.


© Onyinye Udeh 
